It has all the features of the Standard Model 4200 and additionally a top reinforcement made of stainless steel to which 2.10-meter-high pilasters are attached, providing additional solidity to the assembly. It is also used in alcove-type partitions.

Its partition set can be located:

a) Between two walls,
b) One wall,
c) Without side walls.

If you provide us with the measurement "A" of the available space and the measurement "B" of the desired depth (1.22, 1.35, 1.50, 1.78 meters), SANILOCK​™ will provide you with a quote for the partition sets you require, including the measurements of panels, doors, and pilasters. If you also provide us with the measurements of the drain from center to center and from center to wall, we can provide a more accurate quote.

The Standard Model 4300 adds solidity when a more rugged treatment is expected. It is available in all the different finishes that SANILOCK​™ offers.

Floor mounted pilasters with an overhead brace provide an excellent solution for enhancing support and firmness in restroom facilities. This model comes highly recommended for installation in public restrooms that experience heavy foot traffic, such as schools, airports, maquila industries, stadiums, and other bustling public spaces.

By incorporating an overhead brace, this design offers additional structural reinforcement, ensuring the durability and stability of the restroom partitions. The overhead brace acts as a support mechanism, distributing the weight and stress evenly along the pilasters and the entire assembly. This feature is particularly beneficial in high-traffic areas where the restroom facilities need to withstand constant use and potential physical impact.

Public restrooms in schools benefit from this model as it can withstand the energetic activities of students and maintain a secure and stable environment. Airports, being busy transit hubs, require robust restroom solutions to accommodate the large number of travelers. The maquila industry, known for its industrial production processes, can rely on the sturdy construction of this model to endure the demands of a manufacturing environment. Additionally, stadiums, where crowds gather during events, require reliable restroom partitions that can withstand heavy usage and potential impact.

Regardless of the specific public space, this model ensures that restroom facilities remain functional, secure, and visually pleasing. Its floor-mounted design offers stability and ease of installation on various flooring surfaces. The combination of the floor-mounted pilasters and the overhead brace creates a robust structure that can withstand the rigors of high traffic, ensuring longevity and customer satisfaction.